Bảo hiểm

Article 1 (Definition of Terms)

(1) In these terms and conditions, the meanings of the terms listed in the table below are as follows:

Term Definition
Domestic Travel Refers to travel solely within Japan.
Planned travel Package travel as defined in Article 1.1 and 1.2 of the Terms and Conditions.
Risk Refers to the possibility of incurring expenses as described in Article 2 (When Insurance Benefits Are Paid).
Permanent Disability A medical condition in which no further medical treatment is expected to improve the individual’s health, and the symptoms that remain have resulted in significant, irreversible functional impairment or the loss of a body part, making recovery impossible in the future.
This term is often used in legal, medical, and insurance contexts to describe lasting effects of an injury or illness that severely limit normal functioning or abilities. Let me know if this works for your context or if you need further modifications!
Notification Items Important risk-related information that the Company has requested to be disclosed by including it in the insurance contract application form (*1).
(*1) Includes items related to other insurance contracts, etc.
Surgery Refers to procedures performed on the affected or necessary area using instruments like a scalpel for the purpose of treatment, such as excision.
Other Insurance Contracts Refers to other insurance or mutual aid contracts that share the same payment responsibilities, either in full or in part, with this insurance contract.
Treatment Refers to treatment by a doctor. However, if the traveler is a doctor, it refers to treatment by a doctor other than the traveler.
Outpatient Treatment Refers to visiting a hospital or clinic, or receiving treatment by house call when treatment is necessary.
Hospitalization When treatment is necessary and home treatment is difficult, the traveler must be admitted to a hospital or clinic and remain under the constant supervision of a doctor to focus on treatment.
Insured Refers to the insured person listed on the insurance policy.
Insurance Period The period specified on the insurance policy during which the insurance coverage is in effect.
Insurance Benefit Refers to benefits for rescuer expenses, accident response expenses, and emergency expenses.
Insurance Amount Refers to the amount of insurance listed on the insurance policy.

 (2) “During the time of participating in the package tour,” as referred to in Article 2 (When insurance claims are paid) (1), means the period starting when the traveler begins to receive the first transportation, accommodation, or other services (*1) specified in the package tour itinerary, arranged in advance by the insured for the purpose of participating in the package tour, until the traveler completes receiving the last transportation, accommodation, or other services.

However, if the traveler departs from the package tour without notifying the insured in advance of the planned date and time of departure and return, or departs without plans to return, the traveler will not be considered as participating in the package tour during their absence. Furthermore, if the package tour itinerary specifies a day (*2) on which the traveler does not receive any transportation, accommodation, or other services related to the insured’s arrangements, and the contract document clearly states that no compensation payments will be made under the travel agency terms and conditions for damages suffered by the traveler due to an accident occurring on that day, the traveler will not be considered as participating in the package tour on that day.

(3) “The time when the traveler begins to receive services,” as mentioned in (2), refers to any of the following:
1. When a tour guide, an employee of the insured, or someone appointed by the insured handles check-in, it refers to the time when the check-in is completed.
2. If the check-in mentioned in (1) is not applicable, the time is as follows, depending on the mode of transportation or accommodation:
  a. For an airplane, it is the time when the luggage inspection or other procedures within the airport terminal (accessible only to passengers) are completed.
  b. For a ship, it is the time when boarding procedures are completed.
  c. For a train, it is the time when the ticket inspection is completed, or if there is no ticket inspection, the time when the traveler boards the train. d. For a vehicle, it is the time of boarding.
  d. For accommodations, it is the time when the traveler check-in the facility.
  e. For non-accommodation facilities, it is the time when the use procedures for the facility are completed.

(4) “The time when the traveler finishes receiving services,” as mentioned in (2), refers to any of the following:
1 When a tour guide, an employee of the insured, or someone appointed by the insured announces the end of the trip, it is the time when the announcement is made.
2 If no such announcement is made, the time is as follows, depending on the mode of transportation or accommodation:
  a. For an airplane, it is the time when the traveler exits the airport terminal (accessible only to passengers).
  b. For a ship, it is the time when the traveler disembarks.
  c. For a train, it is the time when the ticket inspection is completed, or if there is no ticket inspection, the time when the traveler leaves the train.
  d. For a vehicle, it is the time of disembarking.
  e. For accommodations, it is the time when the traveler check-out the facility.
  f. For non-accommodation facilities, it is the time when the traveler exits the facility.

(*1) “Transportation and accommodation services” do not include facilities individually used by the traveler for participation in the package tour. The same applies hereafter.
(*2) Based on the local standard time of the travel destination.

Article 2 (When Insurance Benefits are Paid)

  1. The company will pay insurance benefits to the insured if a traveler (*1), while participating in a package tour (*2), suffers a bodily injury due to a sudden and accidental external incident (*3) during the tour. The insured is liable for paying compensation money to the traveler in accordance with the provisions of the travel agency terms (*4) related to special compensation. The company will reimburse the insured for the losses incurred as a result of this responsibility, in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  2. The injuries mentioned in (1) include acute poisoning symptoms caused by the accidental and temporary inhalation, absorption, or ingestion of toxic gases or substances from external sources (*5). However, bacterial food poisoning is excluded.

(*1) Refers to the package tour listed on the insurance policy. The same applies hereafter.
(*2) Hereafter referred to as “traveler.”
(*3) Hereafter referred to as “incident.”
(*4) Hereafter referred to as “travel agency terms.”
(*5) Poisoning symptoms caused by continuous inhalation, absorption, or ingestion are excluded.

Article 3 (Cases Where Insurance Benefits Are Not Paid – Part 1)

  1. The company will not pay insurance benefits for damages incurred by the insured due to injuries caused by any of the following reasons:
    1. Intentional acts by the policyholder or the insured (*1).
    2. Intentional acts by the traveler.
    3. Intentional acts by the beneficiary of the death compensation.  
    4. The traveler’s suicide, criminal acts, or involvement in fights.
    5. Accidents occurring while the traveler was driving a motor vehicle or motorcycle without a legally required license, or while under the influence of alcohol to the extent that proper driving was impaired.
    6. Injuries caused by the traveler’s brain diseases, illnesses, or mental disorders.
    7. Accidents occurring while the traveler is purchasing or using illegal services or goods.
    8. Pregnancy, childbirth, premature birth, or miscarriage.
    9. Surgical procedures or other medical treatments performed on the traveler.
    10. Chronic diseases include examples like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.
    11. Accidents occurring during the execution of a sentence or while the traveler was detained or imprisoned.
    12. Luggage, money or valuable items, personal documents, or carried belongings.
    13. War, foreign military actions, revolution, seizure of power, civil war, armed rebellion, or other similar events or riots (*2).
    14. Accidents involving radioactive, explosive, or other harmful characteristics of nuclear fuel materials (*3) or objects contaminated by such materials (*4).
    15. Accidents accompanying or resulting from the chaos caused by the events described in 13 and 14.
    16. Exposure to radiation or radioactive contamination, other than that described in 14.
    17. Permanent disability.
    18. Death or missing.
    19. Dental treatments.

2. The company will not pay insurance benefits for neck syndrome (commonly known as “whiplash”) (*5) or lower back pain without objective symptoms, regardless of the cause.

(*1) If the policyholder or insured is a corporation, this refers to its directors, officers, or other executives carrying out corporate duties.
(*2) Refers to actions by large crowds or groups that seriously disturb public peace on a national or regional scale, creating a significant threat to public order.
(*3) Includes spent fuel.
(*4) Includes nuclear fission by-products.
(*5) Refers to so-called “whiplash.

Article 4 (Cases Where Insurance Benefits Are Not Paid – Part 2)

In the case of domestic travel, in addition to the situations listed in Article 3 (Cases Where Insurance Benefits Are Not Paid – Part 1), the company will not pay insurance benefits for damages incurred by the insured due to injuries caused by any of the following reasons:

  1. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or tsunamis resulting from them.
  2. Accidents accompanying or resulting from the chaos caused by the events described in 1.

Article 5 (Cases Where Insurance Benefits Are Not Paid – Part 3)

The company will not pay insurance benefits for damages incurred by the insured due to injuries caused by accidents that occur while the traveler is engaged in any of the activities listed below, if these activities are not part of the planned itinerary of the package tour conducted by the insured, or if these activities are part of the itinerary but the policyholder has not paid the premium corresponding to such activities in advance.

  1. While the traveler is engaged in any of the activities listed in Table 1.
  2. While the traveler is participating in a competition, race, performance (*1), or test drive (*2) involving automobiles, motorbikes, or motorboats.
  3. While the traveler is piloting an aircraft .(*3).
  4. The traveler is a customer of an agent or partner of ours (a B2B business), and not our direct customer (B2C business).

(*1) Includes training for these activities.
(*2) Refers to performance testing or trial runs.
(*3) Applies to both regular and non-regular flights.

Article 6 (Payment of Residual Disability Compensation Insurance Benefits)

This insurance does not provide coverage for residual disability compensation insurance benefits.

Article 7 (Payment of Hospitalization or Outpatient Treatment Benefit Insurance)

If the traveler sustains injuries as described in Article 2 (When Insurance Benefits Are Paid), the company will pay hospitalization benefit insurance or outpatient treatment benefit insurance to the insured.
The following costs, incurred by the person eligible for insurance coverage for the treatment of a traveler, are eligible for compensation from the insurance. The costs listed below must be necessary and incurred within 180 days from the date of the accident for injuries, or from the first day of illness, including that day.
Note: Costs incurred for treatment by chiropractors, acupuncturists, or moxibustion practitioners are not covered by the insurance.
1. Medical and hospitalization-related expenses paid to doctors or hospitals (including prescription medication, emergency transport costs, and accommodation expenses if a hospital cannot be used or as directed by a doctor).
2. Costs for hiring interpreters or transportation necessary for treatment.
3. Repair costs for prosthetic limbs (applicable only with the injury treatment coverage).
4. Communication expenses, such as international phone calls, required due to hospitalization.
5. Fees for obtaining a doctor’s certificate necessary for an insurance claim.
6. Disinfection costs if ordered by a public authority under the law (applicable only with the illness treatment coverage).
The total amount payable under the insurance is capped at ¥200,000.

Important Notes:
• The maximum amount payable for injury or illness is limited to the insured amount for treatment, and the insurance will only pay once for each injury or illness, even if they occur multiple times. In the case of both an injury and an illness occurring at the same time, the total payment for both is capped at ¥200,000.
• Only treatment received in Japan is covered, and the insurance will reimburse only the portion of the costs directly paid by the insured individual to medical institutions.
• If the severity of an injury or illness is exacerbated due to a pre-existing condition or illness, the insurance company will pay an amount that corresponds to the extent that would have occurred without such an influence.

Article 8 (Scope of insurance payment)

If the severity of the injuries described in Article 2 (When Insurance Benefits Are Paid) necessitates treatment, insurance benefits will only be paid if the treatment is received at a hospital in Japan.

Article 9 (Payment of Insurance Benefits When Other Insurance Contracts Exist)

• If the person eligible for insurance coverage has another insurance policy (*1) with overlapping coverage, there may be instances of duplicate coverage.
• In cases of duplicate coverage, compensation for the incident in question may be provided by either policy, but there may be situations where payment is not made from one of the policies. Please review the differences in coverage and insurance amounts, and consider whether additional riders are necessary.
(*1) This includes riders attached to insurance policies other than travel accident expense insurance, as well as insurance policies from other companies.

Article 10 (Commencement and Termination of Insurance Liability)

1. The company’s insurance liability begins when the traveler starts receiving the first transportation (*1), accommodation, or other services on the first day of the tour and ends when the traveler completes the last service on the final day of the tour.
2. The times mentioned in (1) are based on Japan Standard Time.
3. The company will not pay insurance benefits for injuries caused by accidents or illnesses that occur before or after the tour (*2).
(*1) Refers to transportation on which the traveler is a passenger or scheduled to be a passenger.
(*2) If the traveler is a physician, it refers to treatment by a physician other than the traveler.

Article 11 (Duty of Disclosure)

1. The policyholder or prospective insured must accurately disclose all facts regarding disclosure items to the company when concluding the insurance contract.
2. If the policyholder or prospective insured intentionally or through gross negligence fails to disclose facts or discloses false information at the time of concluding the insurance contract, the company may terminate this insurance contract.
3. Even if the insurance contract is terminated after an injury has occurred, in accordance with the provisions of (2), the company will not pay insurance benefits, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 17 (Effect of Insurance Contract Cancellation). In such cases, if the company has already paid insurance benefits, it may request reimbursement.
4. The provisions of (4) do not apply to injuries that occurred independently of the facts subject to disclosure under (2).
(*1) This includes cases where the company’s agent prevented the disclosure of facts or encouraged the nondisclosure or misrepresentation of facts.

Article 12 (Change of Address by the Policyholder)

If the policyholder changes their address or the contact details listed on the insurance policy, the policyholder must notify the company of the change without delay.

Article 13 (Invalidation of the Insurance Contract)

An insurance contract that is concluded with the intention of unlawfully obtaining insurance benefits, either for the policyholder or for a third party, shall be deemed invalid.

Article 14 (Lapse of the Insurance Contract)

After the insurance contract is concluded, if the traveler does not participate in the trip, the insurance contract will lose its validity.

Article 15 (Cancellation of the Insurance Contract)

If the company concludes the insurance contract as a result of fraud or coercion by the policyholder or the insured, the company may cancel this insurance contract by notifying the policyholder in writing.

Article 16 (Cancellation Due to Serious Reasons)

1. The company may cancel this insurance contract if any of the following reasons apply:
① The policyholder or the insured intentionally caused, or attempted to cause, injury for the purpose of making a claim for insurance benefits under this contract.
② The insured committed or attempted to commit fraud in relation to an insurance claim under this contract.
③ The policyholder is found to fall under any of the following categories:
  a. The policyholder is recognized as being part of an antisocial group (*1).
  b. The policyholder is recognized as providing funds or other benefits to an antisocial group (*1) or being involved with them.
  c. The policyholder is recognized as unjustly using an antisocial group (*1).
  d. If the policyholder is a corporation, the management of the corporation is found to be controlled or substantially influenced by an antisocial group (*1).
  e. The policyholder is found to have a socially reprehensible relationship with an antisocial group (*1).
2. If the insured falls under any of the categories in (1) ③a to ③e, the company may cancel the relevant portion of the insurance contract (*2).
3. Even if the cancellation under (1) or (2) occurs after an injury has taken place, the company will not pay insurance benefits for injuries that occurred between the time the cause for cancellation occurred and the time the cancellation was made, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 17 (Effect of Insurance Contract Cancellation). If insurance benefits have already been paid, the company may request reimbursement.
4. If the insurance contract is canceled based on (1) ③a to ③e or (2), the provisions of (3) do not apply to damages suffered by insured persons who do not fall under any of the categories in (1) ③a to ③e.
(*1) Refers to organized crime groups, organized crime group members (*3), quasi-members of organized crime groups, companies affiliated with organized crime groups, or other antisocial forces.
(*2) Limited to the portion related to the relevant insured person.
(*3) Includes individuals who have ceased to be members of an organized crime group within the last five years.

Article 17 (Effect of Insurance Contract Cancellation)

The cancellation of an insurance contract only takes effect for the future and does not have retroactive effect.

Article 18 (Refund of Premiums)

Since this is a free service, the company will not refund the entire premium under any circumstances.

Article 19 (Notification of Accidents)

1. If a traveler sustains injuries as described in Article 2 (When Insurance Benefits Are Paid), the policyholder or insured must notify the company within 7 days of the accident. The notification must include the circumstances of the accident, the date, time, location, the extent of the injuries, as well as the traveler’s name and address. In such cases, if the company requests written notice, explanation, or submission of the traveler’s medical certificate or death certificate, the policyholder or insured must comply.
2. In the case of (1), the policyholder or insured must promptly notify the company of the existence and details of any other insurance contracts (*1).
3. In addition to (1) and (2), if the company requests other necessary documents or evidence, the policyholder or insured must promptly submit them and cooperate with the company’s investigation into the damage.
4. If the policyholder or insured fails to comply with the provisions of (1), (2), or (3) without justifiable reason, or knowingly provides false or misleading information, the company will not pay insurance benefits.
(*1) This includes cases where insurance benefits have already been received from another insurance contract.

Article 20 (Insurance Claims)

1. The right to claim insurance benefits from the company arises when it is confirmed that the insured has incurred damages as described in Article 2 (When Insurance Benefits Are Paid) (1), and the insured may exercise this right from that time.
2. Depending on the nature of the accident or the extent of the injuries, the company may request the policyholder or the insured to submit documents or evidence not listed in (2) or to cooperate with the company’s investigation. In such cases, the requested documents or evidence must be promptly submitted, and the necessary cooperation must be provided.
(3) If the policyholder or the insured, without justifiable reason, violates the provisions of (2), or provides false information in the documents listed in (1) or (2), or falsifies or alters those documents or evidence, the company will not pay the insurance benefits.

Article 21 (Payment of Insurance Benefits)

1. The company will pay insurance benefits within 35 days, including the day of the completed claim (*1), after confirming the necessary items listed below to process the payment:
① Items necessary to confirm the occurrence of an event that requires the payment of insurance benefits, including the cause of the accident, the circumstances of the accident, the existence of an injury, and facts related to the insured.
② Items necessary to confirm whether there are any reasons that insurance benefits should not be paid, including whether there are facts that correspond to reasons stipulated in this insurance contract for non-payment.
③ Items necessary to calculate the amount of insurance benefits, including the extent of the injury, the relationship between the accident and the injury, and the course and details of the treatment.
④ Items necessary to confirm the validity of the insurance contract, including whether there are facts corresponding to cancellation, invalidity, lapse, or termination of this insurance contract.
⑤ In addition to ① to ④, other necessary items to determine the amount of insurance benefits, including the existence and content of other insurance contracts, the insured’s right to claim compensation or other claims, and any benefits already received.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of (1), if special inquiries or investigations listed below are necessary to confirm the items in (1), the company will pay insurance benefits within the specified number of days (*2) from the completed claim (*1). In such cases, the company will notify the insured of the necessary items to be confirmed and the expected time for completion of the confirmation.
① Inquiry into investigation results by public institutions such as the police, prosecutor’s office, or fire department to confirm the items listed in ① to ④ of (1): 180 days
② Inquiry into the diagnosis or results from medical institutions, examination agencies, or other specialized institutions to confirm the items listed in ① to ④ of (1): 90 days
③ Inquiry into a medical institution’s diagnosis or expert examination to confirm the content and degree of residual disability listed in ③ of (1): 120 days
④ Investigation to confirm the items listed in ① to ⑤ of (1) in areas affected by disasters where the Disaster Relief Act is applicable: 60 days
⑤ Investigation conducted outside Japan when no alternative means of verification is available within Japan to confirm the items listed in ① to ⑤ of (1): 180 days

3. If the policyholder or insured unjustifiably obstructs or fails to cooperate in confirming the necessary items as listed in (1) and (2), the time during which confirmation is delayed will not be included in the period stipulated in (1) or (2).

4. Insurance benefits payable under the provisions of (1) or (2) will be paid in Japanese currency.
(*1) Refers to the date the insured completes the procedures stipulated in Article 20 (Insurance Claims) (2).
(*2) If multiple categories apply, the longest period will be used.
(*3) Includes inquiries under the Attorney Act and other laws.
(*4) Includes cases where the necessary cooperation was not provided.

Article 22 (Request for Medical Certificates by a Company-Designated Physician)

When the company receives notification under the provisions of Article 19 (Notification of Accidents) or a claim under the provisions of Article 20 (Insurance Claims), the company may request the submission of a medical certificate for the traveler, prepared by a physician designated by the company, to the extent necessary to determine the degree of injury or for the payment of insurance benefits.

Article 23 (Statute of Limitations)

The right to claim insurance benefits will be extinguished by statute of limitations if 7 days have passed from the day following the time specified in Article 20 (Insurance Claims) (1).

Article 24 (Subrogation)

Even if the company pays insurance benefits, the insured’s right to claim compensation from a third party will not be transferred to the company.

Article 25 (Filing a Lawsuit)

Any lawsuit related to this insurance contract must be filed with a court in Japan.

Article 26 (Governing Law)

Any matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions will be governed by the laws of Japan.


Table 1: Sports and Activities Listed in Article 5 (Cases Where Insurance Benefits Are Not Paid – Part 3), Item ①

  • Mountaineering (*1)
  • Luge
  • Bobsleigh
  • Skydiving
  • Hang-gliding
  • Flying in an ultra-light powered aircraft (*2)
  • Flying in a gyroplane or engaging in other similarly dangerous activities

(*1) Refers to mountaineering with the use of equipment such as ice axes, crampons, ropes, hammers, etc.
(*2) Refers to motorized hang-gliders, microlight aircraft, ultralight aircraft, etc.

Table 2: Explanation of joints etc.

Table 3: Conditions Considered as Hospitalization Days in Article 6 (Payment of Hospitalization Benefit Insurance), Item (2)

1. Both eyes have corrected vision of 0.06 or less.
2. Loss of the ability to chew or speak.
3. Loss of hearing in both ears.
4. Loss of function in all joints above the wrists in both upper limbs.
5. Loss of function in one lower limb.
6. Due to disorders of thoracic or abdominal organs, the body’s mobility is primarily limited to actions such as eating or washing.
7. Due to neurological or mental disorders, the body’s mobility is primarily limited to actions such as eating or washing.
8. Due to combined disabilities of the aforementioned areas or other similar conditions, the body’s mobility is primarily limited to actions such as eating or washing.

Note 1: For the terms “wrist joints” and “joints” in Item 4, refer to the diagram of joints in Note 2 of Table 2.
Note 2: The term “above” in Item 4 refers to parts closer to the heart than the specified joint.

Table 4: Documents to be Submitted

1. Insurance claim form
2. Insurance policy
3. Injury report form as prescribed by the company
4. Accident certificate from a public institution
5. Certificate from a hospital or clinic specifying the number of hospitalization or outpatient treatment days
6. Proof that the traveler’s injury was caused by an accident
during participation in the package tour.”
7. Seal certificate of the insured.
8. Receipt from the traveler
9. Consent from the traveler to apply the insurance benefits towards compensation ((in cases specified in Article 20)
10. Documents certifying delegation and the seal certificate of the authorized person
11. Any other documents or evidence deemed necessary by the company to confirm the required items under Article 21 (Payment of Insurance Benefits) (1), as specified in the documents provided by the company when concluding the insurance contract.